Planning & Development



Greetings from Secretary, Planning and Development, Nyishi Baptist Church Council (NBCC).


I on behalf of the Planning and Development Committee would like to give warm greetings to all the members of the Nyishi Baptist Church Council for the greater steps taken up in building this Website for the glory of God Almighty. I being the former  Associate General Secretary, Mission in our NBCC always serious on Mission ministry.

Here with the new responsibility as Secretary, Planning and Development, I take this as another greater step that God want me to lead our society. With my committee: Chairman-Mr. Taying Kuma Tarh, Vice Chairman-Mr. M.K. Camder, Members-Mr. Tana Laji, Mr. Teli Takang, Mr. Heri Maring, Er. Tamchi Taba and Ar. Kara Kacha.

Department Planning and Development in NBCC is a kind of Administrative up gradation. Everyone is having high expectation in NBCC through the Planning and Development. As this is new Department that NBCC has, it will take time to equip, settled, acquainted and develop with well connected with all the existing Departments, Projects and Fields. For which all the concern responsibilities are need of co-operation with full heart and mind for the glory of God Almighty.

By taking up in new responsibility, we are trying our best to bring in streamlining the plan of the Nyishi Baptist Church Council. so also we have taken up lots of projects that are taking place especially like Repairing and Maintenance of HQ. New staff interview and Orientation, Planning meetings, Taraso Fish Pond, General Vehicle shed, Compound Protection Wall etc. we have published NBCC Planning Book I and now Book II is in final stage for the session 2017-2018. Its our prayer that God will help us more even in days to come.

At the close of my greetings, wish the NBCC ministry be accelerate in continuation of extending God’s Kind as per as possible by His grace.


Rev. Tagang Gelo

Secretary, Planning and Development, NBCC