

Background of Nyishi Baptist Church Council 

           The Nyishi is one of the major tribes in “Arunachal Pradesh” with highest population at present in tribe-wise. Genealogically, they are the descendants of the great ancestor “Abu Tanyi” means “Father Tanyi.” He had a son named Nyia (aka At Nyia) who in turn had two sons namely Harin and Hari. Harin had three sons namely “Dopum, Dodum and Dolu.” The three sons of Harin and Hari formed the four great forefather lineages (Nyishi call ‘so’) among Nyishi Society. The division into group of clans call ‘Yvrb’ started here onward and then into clan wise (Ab kinam) and family wise as it is known in the Nyishi Society at present inhabiting eight districts of Arunachal Pradesh and two districts of Assam...….. read more.....      

First Baptist Church among The Nyishi         

           In 1926, Dinanath Marak, a Garo evangelist succeeded them. He not only worked among the Nyishis of plains but also attempted to reach the hills Nyishis with the Gospel in 1927. Because of his initiative, the first Nyishi Baptist Church, among the plains Nyishi, was established at Rangajan village (now under Assam) in 1931. He baptized five Nyishis, eleven Miris and some others...…read more...........

Hill Nyishi First church (Talo BC)

Formation of Nyishi Baptist Church Council

          As cited earlier, although the first Nyishi conversion took place in 1900 and a Baptist Church was established at Rangajan village in 1931 among the Nyishis in plain areas, there was no organization existed among the entire Nyishi Christian community in Arunachal Pradesh until 1969 except a small NEFA Christian Students Fellowship Service of John Firth Mission English School, North Lakhimpur which was conducted every Wednesday called ‘Paharia Girja’ and included Adi and Apatani students. Till 1951, the entire Nyishis had only two Baptist churches but in 1962, the first Nyishi Baptist Church was established among the hill Nyishis at Talo village initiated by the...…read more...….

John Firth

Gospel among the Nyishi people      

           In the last part of nineteenth century and early part or twenty century, the Sibsagar Mission based missionary Rev. C.E. Patric visited North Lakhimpur via NimatiGhat in 1891. Seeing the need of missionaries in the North Lakhimpur region, he wrote a letter to Home Mission Board in America for extending a permanent Mission work at North Lakhimpur, Assam. The Home Mission Board appointed and sent late Rev. John Firth and his wife Eva Webster for North Lakhimpur Field who arrived in 1893. They initially boarded at the Government Guest House at Saboti, Assam. In order to spread the Gospel, Rev. John and his wife learnt Hindi and Assamese languages respectively........read more.....

Nyishi Baptist Church Council

       The Nyishi Baptist Church Council Establish in 1971 and its Motto "SAVED TO SERVE," the Council is mainly focus of the Great Commission of Jesus which is written in Matthew 28:19-29. Says, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,...… 


Rev. T.J Kino

Associate General Secretary Mission

Year 2021-2026


Pastor Tame Hakam

Youth Secretary

Year 2021-2026


Mrs. Licha Ock 

Women Secretary 

Year 2021-2026


Pastor Milli Takum 

Planning & Development Secretary

Year 2021-2026


Rev. Cheera Taling

Pastoral Secretary 

Year 2021-2026


Pastor Tamchi Kelum 

School Education Secretary 

Year 2021-2026


Rev. Dr. Tagang Gelo

General secretary 

Year 2021-2026


Mrs. Khoda Ampi

Christian Education Secretary

Year 2021-2026


Pastor Panye Tania

Christian Literature Secretary

Year 2021-2026


Rev. Dr. Tana Tagi Tara 

Associate General secretary service

Year 2021-2026



Nabam Kanying

ODA ( Office dealing Assistant)

Year- 2021-2026


Mr. Chera Chago

Accountant NBCC 

Year- 2021-2023

Function of the Department 

  • To coordinate the activities of departmental works and projects in department.
  • To apprise the Administrative Committee.
  • To prepare budget ,policy, planning, program, events etc.  
  • To execute or implement policy and programs approved by the Council...…read more.....
  1. Role of the Christian Literature Department 

              The role of the Department of Christian Literature is very significant not only for NBCC but Nyishi society as a whole. It helps not only spread the Word of God among our brethren but also helps preserve and propagate Nyishi language, oral history by promoting its usage and giving it a tangible form. It is noteworthy to mention that the literature works in Nyishi language script development was pioneered by the Nyishi Christian believers. With the inception of the Nyishi Baptist Church Council (NBCC), literature ministry was made one of its vital tasks in it. It is one of the significant departments of the Council, whose primary aim is to enable God’s words be spread in Nyishi language, especially in written form and enable availability of Christian literature to Nyishi Churches.....read more.....

         2. Role of the Youth Department

Indeed, it is true that youth are the leaders of Tomorrow and youth are the future of any society. Realizing the importance of youth, the NBCC establish the youth department in 1985 extended to Church and Range as will. the department is one of the most important pillars of NBCC and essential for its growth. in line with the vision of the Nyishi Baptist Church Council...….. read more...…

        3. Role Planning & Development Department.

         Planning & Development Department shall deal with man power Planning of project including appointment, transfer, posting, promotion and demotion etc. of project including identification, estimation, designing, resource mobilization and creation & maintenance of assets including tendering, awarding, execution, repairing, maintaining, keeping record of assets created and any others activities as assign by the council from time to time. The affairs of the department shall be managed by departmental Committee with...…read more....

           4. Role Of  the Women Department 

        There was an urgent need for transformation in every aspect including education, social, economic and in spiritual realm in our society. There was a strong need of specific focused ministry among the women folks in the Nyishi society as the saying goes “mother is the transforming agent”. Hence, the Nyishi Baptist Church Council Department of Women Affairs (NBCCDWA) was started on 17th January 1991.....read more....

          5. Role of Mission Department 

         Mission Department shall deals with the mission and evangelism activities relating to home and outreach mission including church planting, field establishment etc. and others activities that help promote mission and evangelism work. The affairs of the Department shall be managed by a departmental Committee with the Mission Secretary as the member Secretary of the Committee along with manpower posted/recruited from time to time....read more.....

       6. Role of Pastoral Department 

           Pastoral Department is another core department in Nyishi Baptist Church council(NBCC). The department was created in the year 2006 reformed from earlier sub-center organizational structure of administration. Pastoral Coordinator led as the Head of Department (HoD) till 2015. The designation was amended in NBCC rules in 2016 replacing “Pastoral Coordinator” as “Secretary Pastoral department”...…. read more.....

        7. Role of Christian Education Department

         The Motto of Christian Education Department, Nyishi Baptist Church Council is to build better leaders for both church and secular society by bringing up the children in the Lord. The Department carries out children's ministry, adult education and theological education. Department conducts varieties of program like Sunday school teachers training, children’s camp,...read more...…

Itanagar Town Baptist Church Nyishi Fellowship Presented Special Number written by late Debia Lel.

singer - Rev. Biri Taying, Licha Pacha, Neelam Totup, Toko Yapa Welly and Likha sewaly 


Download Nyishi Bible App/ for android, I phone, I pad etc….

     “Hoggab Pwnbov gvda gvtam hwdgo aby kunv mwwg Ko Tuup akin ciqnyingam jipaq kunum, mwam mwwjwbo nyi tulungv siram, hvbmabde nwrba cwtam swwgam naal swwtayin.”

Dvvrwq Pvvb…


Audio Bible.......

Golden jubilee envisioning

Golden Jubilee 

             NBCC celebrated its Golden Jubilee on 17th to 19th December, 2021. With the theme, “Celebrating the Past: Envisioning the Future”, taking the biblical reference from Paul’s letter to Philippians 3: 13-14. The Theme of the Golden Jubilee has two aspects, ‘Celebrating the Past and the Envisioning the Future’. The Golden Jubilee Celebration was not simply a mark of commemorating fiftieth (50th) glorious year of NBCC Gospel Ministry, but to retrospect and celebrate the struggles, sacrifices and to cherish God’s ever abiding presence and continue to envision better, transformed and progressive Church...… read more...…

Golden jubilee Namlo
Golden jubilee Namlo
traditional attires

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