Women Department

Role Of Women Department 

   There was an urgent need for transformation in every aspect including education, social, economic and in spiritual realm in our society. There was a strong need of specific focused ministry among the women folks in the Nyishi society as the saying goes “mother is the transforming agent”. Hence, the Nyishi Baptist Church Council Department of Women Affairs (NBCCDWA) was started on 17th January 1991.    

         The Women Department is managed by the Central Women Committee with Women Secretary as its member secretary of the committee. The committee members are selected or elected from time to time. Women specific ministry is extended to each church and pastoral range having its own women department.

        The department mission is to reach out to all Nyishi women and beyond with the Gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ. The women department believes that only through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the transformation among the Nyishi women can be effectuated. The department believes that if women in family are changed, it will effectuate positive change in the Nyishi society. NBCCWD has vision to uplift Nyishi women so that they are able to stand on their own in every aspect of life. The Department wants to see Nyishi women, particularly Christian   women’s participation in the realm of socio-culture and religious leadership. Therefore, the NBCCWD ministry is not just limited in Gospel alone but also for the holistic development of women in the society. NBCCWD is also engaged IN developing good and God fearing other/wife in the family. Best effort is given to preserve Nyishi culture and traditions. The department conducts various omen related activities like women's meet, exhibitions, handicraft competitions, workshops on health & hygiene, child rearing, cultural competitions and annual conferences

          Department has established Women Skill Training Centre at the Council’s Headquarter office and on need basis in the various Mission Field. Through these centers, research and development of own traditional attires, accessories and ornament items are innovated and manufactured. Department also give women tailoring training in these skill centers for the self reliance of women. The department also runs traditional attires trading agency along with Mission Guesthouse and Canteen at NBCC compound. Council has assigned the department with most challenging issues such Anti-Liquor and Narcotics Drugs Awareness Campaign as well for spearheading. So far the department has handled and conducted commendable activities in these campaign.

         Women Department shall deals with Evangelism activities relating to women welfare of the Council and others activities that help promote welfare of the Women. The affairs of the department shall be managed by the departmental Committee with Women Secretary as the member secretary of the Committee along with manpower posted/recruited.

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