Mission Department

Role of Mission Department 

         Mission Department shall deals with the mission and evangelism activities relating to home and outreach mission including church planting, field establishment etc. and others activities that help promote mission and evangelism work. The affairs of the Department shall be managed by a departmental Committee with the Mission Secretary as the member Secretary of the Committee along with manpower posted/recruited from time to time.

             Mission work is the breath of the Nyishi Baptist Church Council. When Mission work is stop, the existence of Council is in danger. The Nyishi Baptist Church Council takes Great Commission of the Jesus Christ seriously we have culminated Mission 2015 and now on in move of Mission 2025. 

           It is one of the core departments of NBCC for carrying out the mission works. the mission activities were the primary objective upon which the NBCC was founded. as such Mission remains the veins of NBCC. till 1995, Mission and Evangelism responsibilities were looked after by the Executive/General Secretary in whole. to further missionary objectives and for more effective execution,  Council created this department in 1996. Form 1996 onwards the department entirely looks after the Mission and Evangelism responsibilities by having a separate secretary. 

          The MBCC have different mission agencies and like minded Christian Organizations with proper working policies. Usually, Mission department is conducting missionary training, Missionary & Evangelists Orientation programmed, Bible & Baptism classes distributing needed Christian literature to Mission fields, Mobilizing and encouraging every church and pastoral range to actively involve for the Mission causes, venturing into new mission fields beside supporting certain targeted projects. 

           core policies adopted that has been carried forward with moto include: "Each one Give one, Each one Teach one, Each one Pray once" especially for Nyishi people evangelization. later it has been modified to "Each one give once, Each one pray one"

            Now the Department is focused on four categories of Mission area: 

  1. Home Mission:

    It worked within the Nyishi inhabited area where there is least evangelization.

  2. Cross-Culture Mission:

    It works outside the Nyishi area to share the Gospel to another unreached areas of different tribes.

  3. Global Mission:

    This is Working among the neighboring countries. 

  4. General Mission

    Any Geographical location not covered above irrespective of their culture, Languages, traditions, denomination, doctrine and geographical barrier is covered in this Mission.

         The Nyishi Baptist Church Mission Department is carrying out various wings such as Home Mission, Neighboring Mission, General Mission, Cross Culture Mission, and Global Mission. under which, now NBCC is working in 16 Mission field.

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