Christian Literature Department

Role of Christian Literature Department 

       The role of the Department of Christian Literature is very significant not only for NBCC but Nyishi society as a whole. It helps not only spread the Word of God among our brethren but also helps preserve and propagate Nyishi language, oral history by promoting its usage and giving it a tangible form. It is noteworthy to mention that the literature works in Nyishi language script development was pioneered by the Nyishi Christian believers. With the inception of the Nyishi Baptist Church Council (NBCC), literature ministry was made one of its vital tasks in it. It is one of the significant departments of the Council, whose primary aim is to enable God’s words be spread in Nyishi language, especially in written form and enable availability of Christian literature to Nyishi Churches. The department plays very important role in the Council like giving linguistic training, organizing literary workshops, seminars, translation, documentations of Nyishi literature, books, journals and news bulletin publication. It is always determined to provide the best and updated literature to the Nyishi society, especially to the churches. The department also works in partnership with other Christian literature agencies and like-minded groups.

       The department works with the commitment to remain updated about linguistic activities and adopt innovative terminology of the Nyishi language in order to impart quality standardized literature to the Nyishi’s. Hence, the department is vigorously involved in developing literature and literature work, translation of literature into Nyishi language, and publishing books, printing and selling of Christian literatures etc where Gospel can be presented through literary activities. Mission and Vision the Mission of Christian literature department is to present God’s words in Nyishi language in every possible manner especially in written form. Vision of the department is that every believer of the NBCC may read and write in their own language. The NBCC endeavors to preserve Nyishi culture and tradition because preservation of language is the vital catalyst to preserve culture and tradition. The department encourages all believers in every possible way to be fluent in their own language and literature.

      Department of Christian literature shall deals with all printing, publishing, translation, sales & purchase of the literature items and any related works and promotion of literature, language etc. The affairs of the department shall be managed by a departmental Committee with literature secretary as the member Secretary of the Committee along with manpower posted/recruited from time to time.

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