Nyishi Baptist Church Council

Nyishi Baptist Church Council 

       The Nyishi Baptist Church Council Established in 1971 and its Motto "SAVED TO SERVE," the Council is mainly focus of the Great Commission of Jesus which is written in Matthew 28:19-20. Says, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

      The  Nyishi Baptist Churches has formed and constituted into a single body called "NYISHI BAPTIST CHURCH COUNCIL"/"NYISHI BAPTIST YIRKUM DOOKUM" with a view to profess, preserve and secure principles of Christian faith and practices and to govern in an orderly manner for close relationship, mutual cooperation, warm fellowship, maintain integrity and promote teaching and preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and promote Christian works unitedly in an outside of Arunachal Pradesh.

      The Nyishi Baptist Church Council (NBCC) is play vital role in the successes and growth of Nyishi Baptist Churches the Council providing Spiritual guidance to the believers of Nyishi churches. Since from 1971 the Nyishi Baptist Church Council has experienced the blessing of God, in Arunachal Pradesh God loves our Nyishi people so much. Within a few span of time, He has change our people so much and blessed us abundantly. If we count one by one, we may not able to count completely what God has blessed our people. Many of our beliviers may not be literate but they are educated through God's ministry. Some of them, even they didn't see the school gate but they can read the Bible and sing the Gospel song. that's a wonderful. Not only that but God has blessed so much that we cannot count completely. Now through Nyishi Baptist Baptist Church Council (NBCC), God has blessed us to carry out His ministry not only among our people but also among our neighbor tribe, state and country. Today the Council has above 464 churches are establish, including Mission field and fellowship, the Nyishi Baptist Church Council has begin God Ministry since from 1971 to build believers for the Lord and it will continue till the exitance of the the earth.

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