Formation of Nyishi Baptist Church Council

Formation of Nyishi Baptist Church Council

          As cited earlier, although the first Nyishi conversion took place in 1900 and a Baptist Church was established at Rangajan village in 1931 among the Nyishis in plain areas, there was no organization existed among the entire Nyishi Christian community in Arunachal Pradesh until 1969 except a small NEFA Christian Students Fellowship Service of John Firth Mission English School, North Lakhimpur which was conducted every Wednesday called ‘Paharia Girja’ and included Adi and Apatani students. Till 1951, the entire Nyishis had only two Baptist churches but in 1962, the first Nyishi Baptist Church was established among the hill Nyishis at Talo village initiated by the

        students from John Firth Mission School. The year 1962 was eventful for the people of Arunachal Pradesh especially for the Nyishi people. Due to the Chinese aggression, the government of India began to consider the state an important strategic location because of which the union government started attending its all-round development Soon after the 1962, numbers of Baptist churches were established in the vicinity of the Talo village. There were around twenty Baptist churches by 1969. As the churches were growing rapidly in numbers, the former and senior students at Rangajan and the John Firth Schools began to think about the formation of an apex Christian body. Consequently, the idea of Nyishi Baptist Churc h Council was conceived in 1969 where senior students at the John Firth Mission School formed a Nyishi Christian Students Union (NCSU) in the mission compound at North Lakhimpur, Assam primarily initiated by Mr. Ter Tana Tara and Mr. Epa Tana Tara as they were exposed to some Christian organizations while they were students at Mokokchung in Nagaland. They became the first Secretary and President of the Union respectively. The primary motive for forming this Union was to conduct the Gospel activities and to organize church activities among the infant Christian Nyishi believers. In view of the Union’s objectives, they proposed and conducted the first Conference to be held at the Neelam Baptist Church from 1st - 2nd January 1970. However, due to strong protests and hindrances from Panchayat leaders and non-Christians in the village and areas, the Conference could not be held peacefully or fulfill its aims and objectives instead ended with threatening seemingly spelt doom for the future of the Organization.

            However, the second Annual Conference was held peacefully at Panya Baptist Church, the second Baptist Church established among the hill Nyishis, on January 8th –11th 1971. It was attended by many Nyishi Christian students and all the churches. During this Conference, the Nyishi Christian Students Union (NCSU) was officially renamed to “Subansiri Nishi Baptist Christian Convention (SNBCC)”. During the third Annual Conference at Cher Baptist Church on 5th -8th January 1972, it was re-christened as Nishi Baptist Christian Convention (Dookum) (NBCC). The Conference could not be held due to the severe persecution around this time. SNBCC Executive Committee Members unanimously reverted the name back to Subansiri Baptist Christian Convention (SBCC) in 1978. Under this changed name, the 8th Annual Conference was held at North Lakhimpur, Assam on 10th-11th December 1978. This was the only Annual Conference held off the Nyishi land, necessitated by severel persecution in the region. Under this banner, the Convention functioned till 1986. But during the 16th Annual Conference of SBCC at Deb Baptist Church on 16th -19th January 1986, it was renamed to “Subansiri Baptist Christian Association” (SBCA). The SBCA served as federal body under which there were 5(five) Branch Association actively functioning namely Keyi Panior Baptist Christian Association (KPBCA), Sagalee Branch Baptist Christian Association (SBBCA), Lower Belt Baptist Christian Association (LBBCA), Kurung Kumey Baptist Christian Association (KKBCA). ), and East Kameng Baptist Christian Association (EKBCA).

            In 1998, all these Branc h Associations were dissolved in the 27th Annual Conference held from 15th -18th January 1998 at Cher Baptist Church. These branch associations were converted into 5(five) sub-centres namely Yachuli Sub-Centre, Sagalee Sub-Centre, Balijan Sub-Centre, Sangram Sub- Centre, and Seppa Sub-Centre undered the direct administration of the SBCA. Each sub-centre had Pastoral Ranges which in turn had Churches under it. Finally, the SBCA was changed to the Nyishi Baptist Church Council (NBCC). The amendment of the Constitution and the By-laws of NBCC were adopted and accepted at the 30th Annual Conference at Sagalee Town Baptist Church from 1st - 4th February 2001

            Since the Nyishi Baptist Church Council started by the name Subansiri Baptist Christian Association (SBCA) at a time when Christianity was a forbidden religion in Arunachal Pradesh. This body provided an organizational unity and moral support to the beleaguered Christians strengthening their resolution to be faithful to Lord Jesus. The history of the Council is the faithful journey of members of the Nyishi Baptist Churches.


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