Youth Department

Role of Youth Department

Indeed, it is true that youth are the leaders of Tomorrow and youth are the future of any society. Realizing the importance of youth, the NBCC establish the youth department in 1985 extended to Church and Range as will. the department is one of the most important pillars of NBCC and essential for its growth. in line with the vision of the Nyishi Baptist Church Council, the youth Department has a youth promoter and music teacher for pastoral Range of NBCC to give proport care and lead the Youth through the ministry of music. 


 The Department moulds, shapes, nurture and guides Church going Youth, Both in church and non-church activities. there are many challenges in the Youth Ministry as today's youth have different perspectives of worldview, culture, modernization, religion advancement of science & technology, dangers of social evil such as alcohol/drugs and tobacco abuses'. they are exposed to vulnerabilities in every turn of life. Hence the department strives to meet them and help out youth overcome such vulnerabilities.  


Youth Ministry is a vital part of any church's ministry team. Its is responsible for developing and nurturing young people in the church. There are many different types of ministry and their responsibilities, but all of them have the common goal of helping young people grow in their faith.  many  programs are regularly conducted to connect with youth and inspire them to lead Christian principled life of discipline and morals correctness as a showcase of Christian upbringing and education. some of the program names are: Youth Annual Conference, Youth Olympic, Youth leaders Interaction & Orientation, carrier counseling, Youth meet, Prayer & fating Musical & Culture Nite Youth camp Youth Healing Crusade, Prayer walk and so on.


The “Youths are the Leaders of Tomorrow.” Youths are absolutely precious and prominent. They are need to be properly cared, nurtured, guided and taught. Youths are the pillars of the Society and so the NBCC Youth Department plays an important role by shaping, molding and refining the dark society into bright society.


youth department shall deal with Evangelism activities relating to youth affairs of the council including Music, Culture, Games & Sports and others activities that help promote youth affairs. The affairs of the department shall be managed  by a departmental Committee with youth Secretary as the member Secretary of the Committee along with manpower posted.

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